


European Consumerism

Vortrag im Rahmen des Montagskolloquiums im Deutschen Museum


einkaufswagenEuropean Consumerism: Understanding Transnationalism and Transatlanticism

The presentation will critically question what a European history of consumerism looks within a transatlantic world. The talk will discuss consumers' agency and structure; the culture of tinkering and the mediation consumption; and the tensions among local, national, transatlantic, and trans-European social actors on the basis of a current book Ruth Odenziel is coauthoring with Mikael Hard (Darmstadt).

Ruth Oldenziel is professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology and received her PhD from Yale University in American History in 1992. Her publications include books and articles in the area of American, gender and technology studies.

(Aus der Vortragsankündigung)

23. Januar 2012, 16:00-17:30 Uhr, Seminarraum der Institute (R 1402 Bibliotheksbau des Deutschen Museums)

Der Eintritt ist frei, Gäste sind – wie immer – willkommen, wir bitten um Anmeldung.
