


David Juste (München): Ptolemy in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

23.04.2015 um 16:00 Uhr

Vortrag im Rahmen des Oberseminars "Perspektiven der Wissenschaftsgeschichte"

Claudius Ptolemy (c. 100-170 A.D.) is one of the most influential scientists of all time. Among several treatises (all written in Greek), he is the author of the Almagest and the Tetrabiblos, which became the fundamental texts in the fields of astronomy and astrology until the Scientific Revolution of the 16th and 17th century. In this seminar, I will present Ptolemy and his work in the context of ancient, medieval and early modern science. The seminar will also be the occasion to introduce the new project Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus (http://ptolemaeus.badw.de/), hosted by the Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften in Munich for a period of 25 years (2013-2037).

wann: Donnerstag, 23. April 2015, 16-18 Uhr

wo: Historicum, Schellingstr. 12, Raum 226
