


Ph.D. James Delbourgo (Rutgers/ N.J.): Empire of Curiosities.

Hans Sloane, the British Museum and the Collection of the World.

05.12.2013 um 16:00 Uhr

This paper explores the relationship between collecting things and collecting people in the career Hans Sloane (1660-1753), processes of global exchange, and the creation of value through eighteenth-century objects. The collectives through which Sloane gained access to curiosities from travellers in different parts of the world are examined, as well as those generated by the collections, from Sloane’s private circles to the establishment of the British Museum as a public institution on his death in 1753. Sloane’s career helps to track the relationship between global networks and universal knowledge in the Enlightenment, the process of making things public in the eighteenth century, and the sometimes vexed status of the collector himself.

when? December 05, 2013. 4-6 p.m.

where? room K026 (Historicum/ LMU)
