Publikationen/Publications Dr. Christian Joas
Publications (History of Science)
- Alexander Blum, Kostas Gavroglu, Christian Joas, Jürgen Renn (eds.). Shifting Paradigms: Thomas S. Kuhn and the History of Science (Berlin: Edition Open Access, 2016). Online: Link
- Alexander S. Blum and Christian Joas (2016). From dressed electrons to quasiparticles: The emergence of emergent entities in quantum field theory. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 53, February 2016, 1–8. Online: Link.
- Jeremiah James and Christian Joas (2015). Subsequent and Subsidiary? Rethinking the Role of Applications in Establishing Quantum Mechanics. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 45:5, 641–702. Online: Link.
- Christian Joas and Georges Waysand (2014). Superconductivity—a challenge to modern physics. In: Kostas Gavroglu (Ed.), The history of artificial cold. Scientific, cultural and technological aspects (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science 299), 83–92. Dordrecht: Springer. Online: Link.
- Johannes Knolle and Christian Joas (2014). The physics of cold in the Cold War. In: Kostas Gavroglu (Ed.), The history of artificial cold. Scientific, cultural and technological aspects (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science 299), 119–132. Dordrecht: Springer. Online: Link.
- Johannes Knolle and Christian Joas (2013). Supraleitung und Interkontinentalraketen. „On-line computing“ zwischen Militär, Industrie und Wissenschaft. In: Christian Forstner, Dieter Hoffmann (Hrsg.), Physik im kalten Krieg. Wiesbaden: Springer Spektrum. Online: Link.
- Dieter Hoffmann and Christian Joas (2012). Editorial: „Then & Now“–A new section dedicated to the history of physics. Annalen der Physik, 524:2, A25–A26. Online: Link.
- Jean Matricon, Georges Waysand, and Christian Joas (2011). La supraconductivité : un siècle d’une science en sociéte. Images de la Physique, 2011, 10–14.
- Christian Joas and Georges Waysand (2011). Von Leitungsketten zur Paarhypothese. Die Entdeckung der Supraleitung und die wechselvolle Geschichte ihrer Erklärung. Physik Journal, 10:6, 23–28.
- Christian Joas and Shaul Katzir (2011). Analogy, extension, and novelty: Young Schrödinger on electric phenomena in solids. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 42, 43–53. Online: Link.
- Christian Joas and Christoph Lehner (2009). The classical roots of wave mechanics: Schrödinger’s transformations of the optical-mechanical analogy. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 40, 338–351. Online: Link.
- Christian Joas (2010). Campos Que Interagem: Física Quântica e a transferencia de conceitos entre física de partículas, nuclear e do estato sólido. In: Olival Freire Jr., Osvaldo Pessoa Jr., Joan Bromberg (Eds.), Teoria Quântica : Estudos históricos e implicações culturais. Campina Grande: Livraria da física, 2010, p. 107-149. E-Book: Olival Freire Jr., Osvaldo Pessoa Jr., Joan L. Bromberg (Eds.). Teoria Quântica: estudos históricos e implicações culturais. Campina Grande: EDUEPB; São Paulo: Livraria da Física, 2011. 456 p. ISBN 978-85-7879-060-8. Available from SciELO Books. Online: Link.
- Christian Joas, Christoph Lehner, Jürgen Renn (Eds.). HQ-1 : Conference on the history of quantum physics (Vol. I&II). Berlin: Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 2008. Online: Link.
- Massimiliano Badino, Arianna Borrelli, Jochen Büttner, Giuseppe Castagnetti, Dieter Hoffmann, Christian Joas, Horst Kant, Christoph Lehner, Jürgen Renn, Simone Rieger, Arne Schirrmacher, Urs Schöpflin, Milena Wazeck (Hrsg.). Max Planck : Revolutionär wider Willen; eine kleine Geschichte der Quantentheorie und ihres Begründers. Heidelberg: Spektrum der Wissenschaft Verlagsges., 2008. (Spektrum der Wissenschaft : Biographie ; 1/2008).
Publications (Physics)
- Xinguo Ren, Patrick Rinke, Christian Joas, and Matthias Scheffler (2012). Random-phase approximation and its applications in computational chemistry and materials science. Journal of Materials Science, 47, 7447–7471. Online: Link.
- Christian Joas (2007). Quantum Hall Systems in High Landau Levels. Doktorarbeit, Freie Universität Berlin. Publiziert als E-Thesis.
- Yehonatan Elon, Sven Gnutzmann, Christian Joas, and Uzy Smilansky (2007). Geometric characterization of nodal domains: the area-to-perimeter ratio. Journal Of Physics A-Mathematical And Theoretical, 40, 2689–2707.
- Christian Joas, Jürgen Dietel, and Felix von Oppen (2005). Microwave photoconductivity of a modulated two-dimensional electron gas due to intra-Landau-level transitions. Physical Review B, 72, 165323.
- Christian Joas, Mikhail E. Raikh, and Felix von Oppen (2004). Parametric resonance of a two-dimensional electron gas under bichromatic irradiation. Physical Review B, 70, 235302.
- Christian Joas, Ilya Eremin, Dirk Manske, and Karl-Heinz Bennemann (2002). Theory for Phonon-Induced Superconductivity in MgB2. Physical Review B, 65, 132518.
- Ilya Eremin, Dirk Manske, Christian Joas, and Karl-Heinz Bennemann (2002). Electronic Theory for Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 : Triplet Pairing due to Spin-Fluctuation Exchange. Europhysics Letters, 58, 871–877.
- Ilya Eremin, Dirk Manske, Christian Joas, and Karl-Heinz Bennemann (2000). Theory for Inelastic Neutron Scattering in High-Tc-Superconductors: Doping and Temperature Dependence of Two Characteristic Frequencies. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 14, 3451–3456.